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 Somatic Dance

A Sacred Dance Journey

You are invited to join us on a sacred dance journey to playfully tap into the wisdom of your body, grow, and fall in love with all parts of you as your own dance partner in life!


Come home to self through radical self-acceptance and flow with the rhythm of your body. Free flowing, authentic body led movement (or dance) brings us into a meditative state and supports us in accessing states of bliss, freedom, inner stillness, and even deep emotional release.


You’ll be a part of a safe, non-judgemental, like-minded community to heal, 

connect, grow, and most importantly have fun together while on your own journey. 


The specially designed playlist each month will guide you on a journey to cultivate internal harmony (integration and regulation) amongst all parts of you. The body, mind, and spirit experientially learn how to safely navigate the emotional waves of life with inner stability and security just as we flow through  different soundscapes in our dance. 

Class is Co-Ed

The Sacred Dance Journey Includes:


-Guided Meditation with Intention Setting

-Dance Journey with a Specially Curated Playlist Each Month


-Share Circle to be Witnessed in Safe, Supportive Container



The Sacred Dance Journey Will Support You To:


-Integrate supportive energetic boundaries


-Navigate the waves of life with greater internal security and safety


-Develop deeper emotional intelligence and self awareness


-Release stagnant energy creating spaciousness for more forward movement

 with clarity and confidence


-Learn to hold safe space for self and others 


-Create more balance mentally, emotionally, and spiritually


-Expand capacity to feel and move through full spectrum of emotions 


Investment $25



Online via Zoom


Date & Time: TBD


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