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Women's Circle

Surrender, Soften, Receive


It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of rushing around each and every day. Through the maddness and chaos we can lose touch with the softer aspect of  our feminine nature. The aspect of the feminine that knows the answer lays within the slowing down, rest, and surrender. We forget how to play and take time for pleasure and fun leading to frustration, burn out, and shutting down some of our most magical feminine gifts.


Reacquaint with the playful, softer, gentle, nurturing aspect of the Feminine

as we learn to slow down, trust, and surrender finding wholeness and peace within. 

When women come together with a common intention, the energies are amplified and magic happens-the magic of the everyday miracles created from YOU Choosing YOU unconditionally.


We gather with a community of women  in circle of sisterhood like in ancient times to experience be seen, heard, and witnessed exactly as you are in a safe, supportive, nurturing space.  Here the brave face

and masks can be put down. There is no one you need to be, nothing you need to do.

You are celebrated just for you. 


Class is Women Only



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The Women's Circle Journey Includes:


-Grounding and Centering Practices


-Sound Healing

-Shamanic Journey Meditation

-Dance Embodiment


-Space to share, be witnessed, and connect



The Women's Circle Immersion Will Assist You To:


-Dive deep within creating a safe, intimate relationship with yourself


-Learn to hold your parts in love, compassion, and acceptance


-Lean into surrender and soften into the moment for greater flow


-Integrate more play, pleasure, and joy into everyday life


- Gain greater self confidence and inner trust


- Feel rooted in your worth, value, and authentic identity


-Blossom and emerge practicing to fully expressing your voice and be witnessed


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Energy Exchange: $40



The Gathering Lighthouse

 26 N Park Ave, Lombard, IL 60148


Time: 7-9pm



Register on venue's site.

Click the button below, go to event calendar, and select class and date.




Upcoming Dates

Every Second Tuesday
Friday, April 14

Friday, May 12

Friday, June 9


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